Thursday, December 11, 2014
Day 62
I survived my first semester! Yay! I had my last final today, which felt very easy. I suppose we shall see. I turned in all of my scholarships books to the bookstore, and I did not feel the least bit sentimental at all. Take them back, please! I don't want them! :)
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Day 61
Two more finals done! I was supposed to have 4 hours of finals today (blick!) because each final was slotted for two hours. But I finished both within half an hour of starting, so I only spent one hour doing finals today. :) One more to go! Looking back, although there were a few days when I was freaking out or frustrated...this semester seemed really easy.
Monday, December 8, 2014
Day 60
My very first college Final ever...and I loved it! Seriously though, I did enjoy that Final. It was for my Lit class, which ought to explain everything, and on top of that it was a bunch of short/long answers so I got to write to my heart's content. That was amazing.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Day 59
Last day of school accomplished! Woot, woot! :) We did it! Now I just have four finals to survive next week. We can handle that, can't we?
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Day 58
Wow, today was a long day. I don't know why, since I really didn't have any more school than usual. I guess I am just so antsy waiting for the semester to be over that everything is starting to feel like it is moving in slow motion. One more day of classes, that's all I have! And then finals.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Day 57
Just two classes today. Both rather boring. Preparing for Finals next week. Honestly, I'm not stressed about Final at all, as some of my friends are. But I am not looking forward to them. They're just...meh. Whatever.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Day 56
First day back on campus after the Holiday Break....It was strange, trying to get back into routine after so many days of laziness. But I enjoyed myself, as usual. :)
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Day 55
The only thing I had today was a math's Thanksgiving Break everybody! :) I am so ready for this break. I'm going to sleep in...every day...for as long as I possibly can.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Day 54
I am an old fashioned girl. I absolutely love it when guys take the time to open doors for me! (That really doesn't happen often enough) But what I cannot stand is when they take it too far. "Don't you open that door, or I will be so mad.", why? Yes, I would prefer you held the door for me, but seriously? I am not an invalid, I can physically open doors with no problems at all. And forcing your "gentlemanly actions" upon me kind of nullifies the "gentleman" part. Really, guys, you can be gentleman without being jerks.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Day 53
Classes cancelled I only had once class. Not much happened. It's interesting though, being on campus and interacting with people I don't really know. Growing up, the only people I interacted with were my friends. I knew all the people in my homeschool group. I knew the people at church. I knew the people at Girl Scouts. Now, I say hello to people that I have seen once or twice in the halls. It's almost weird, and yet it's cool too.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Day 52
Not much to report, except that there is snow on the ground. My classes were...meh. They weren't bad, or boring at all. But I just wasn't too enthralled today. I've hit the "Are we done yet?" point. 11 more days, just 11. I can do this!
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Day 51
I enrolled for next semester! I can't believe this one went by as fast as it did! Craziness. I'm taking 18 hours next semester...oh. dear. Compared to the 14 I took this semester...we'll see how I handle it.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Day 50
I had to recite a poem in one of my classes today. I was so nervous. Especially since it wasn't really "reciting" so much as "preforming" the poem! But I think it went well...I certainly hope so. Also, it is freezing outside! Why, winter, why did you have to sneak up on me like this? You came out of nowhere and I don't like you.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Day 49
So, for the first time in my life a guy asked for my number (yes, I'm sheltered). He wasn't even a guy I've known for very long. I bumped into him (not literally) in the hall outside my class once a couple weeks ago and in the time since then have only seen him once more...until today. We've exchanged pleasantries on all three occasions we've seen each other and that is about it. But today, after our "how do ye do"'s....he asked for my number. Uh..yeah...No! Seriously, dude? I don't even know you. I'm not even comfortable giving my number to the guy friends I've grown up with.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Day 48
Enrollment for the spring semester started today and everyone on campus appears to be freaking out. Everyone is walking around with their course schedules and talking about the classes they want to take, need to take...those who are planning to graduate next semester are frantically trying to figure out what classes they still need to take. It's highly amusing...and I'm a part of the chaos. Figuring out classes....boy is it giving me a headache. But I am trying to get all of my required classes out of the way as soon as possible, and then I'll just have electives to do my last few semesters. We'll see how it all shakes out though...
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Day 47
Only one class today, because my other one was cancelled....that's the third or fourth class cancelled this week...craziness. Only three more weeks of school and then one week of finals! This first semester is flying by.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Day 46
My second favorite class (English) was cancelled today...sad day. However, I still got to enjoy my favorite (Literature). I never though I would actually enjoy college so much, to the point that I was actually disappointed, to any degree, when a class was cancelled. The pleasant surprises of life...
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Day 45
Today I was once more reading outside on the quad....I just love the open air and the warm fall weather and the beautiful campus...and I was cheerfully interrupted several times from my reading by various "hellos" and "heys" and "how are yous". Most of the "friends" who walk by me and say hello when I am sitting outside are people I have only known for a couple months. People I met at the college. But it still fills me with so much happiness to see them all. I hear a familiar voice calling my name and look up to see someone I've only known for a short while, and yet they already seem so dear. And to think, I thought I would be lost among strangers at the college. I see my old friends constantly to be sure; but I see my new friends just as much and for most of them it gives me just as much pleasure.
Monday, November 3, 2014
Day 44
So, my piano instructor is trying to get me to change my major. He wants me to be a music major, instead of an English major. Well, actually, he just told me that I would be the perfect candidate for a music major and have the perfect skill set for a music major. He didn't tell me to switch majors, but merely to keep all my doors open.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Day 43
Well today, for the first time in my life, I carried on a conversation with a stranger, and a boy no less, that consisted of more than just, "Hi, how are you?" pleasantries. It was almost awkward, and a little weird. But, he seems like a nice young man, and I did survive talking to a stranger/boy without dying, so that's good. (Being me, I could have died from either one, talking to a stranger, or talking to a boy. Talking to a combination of both is frightening....)
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Day 42 my Literature class we watched Sumo Wrestling. I can't explain why...okay, well yes I can. We are currently reading a book which is set in Japan, so as a class we are delving into that culture so that we can comprehend the story on a deeper level. But still...the Sumo Wrestling weirded me out.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Day 41
It's getting colder! But I was still able to sit outside and enjoy the lovely weather. It was cold enough this morning for my winter coat and gloves, but by the time my first class was over and I had my hour break it had warmed up enough. It was perfect weather. :) Not quite fall anymore, there was a slight chill in the air. But it was beautiful! I love this kind of weather. I just sat and read the book we're doing in Lit...for the whole hour....I may or may not have almost been late to my next class...
Monday, October 27, 2014
Day 40
I was informed by my math teacher that there are only 20 more days of class this semester! That is joyous news! Not that I am not enjoying college. I love my classes and being on campus and all of it. But I am counting down the days until Thanksgiving Break. Why is that? Anyway, 20 more days. I can handle this. The joyous news in math was shadowed by bad, bad news. We got our 'final review' back today, which is weighted almost as much as a test...and only four people in the class had a 70 or above. That is bad. Really, really bad. :( I was not one of those four people. Failure. But, he is letting us rework the problems and bring them back, so maybe I can redeem myself. I certainly hope so.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Day 39
I was on campus early today. It was a wet morning. Not raining at all, but misty, and the fog was so, so beautiful. I love this weather! I hung out with friends in the CLC before class, which was enjoyable. I don't think I ever equated college life to having fun before, but I do now. I enjoy hanging with friends, I enjoy my classes, I love being on campus. College is fun. :)
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Day 38
I sincerely enjoyed my math class today. We were doing division by binomials. I do not know why, but I have always, always LOVED doing those types of problems! I loved math today. :)
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Day 37
I only had two classes today, which made my day seem nice and short and sweet. I like open days, when I don't have classes for hours and then the rest of my life all day long. For example, my Thursdays are busy from 9am to 9pm usually. Tuesdays are my favorite day of the school week. :)
Monday, October 20, 2014
Two in One
Day 35
I was on campus early and did a lot, and I mean a lot, of math homework before class. Several of my friends were in the CLC also, and only one chose to sit with me. (I don't count the second person who sat at my table because he only sat there to be with his girlfriend) I'm beginning to recognize who my friends are these days, and who is just a 'friendly acquaintance'.
Day 36
Today I was told by my piano instructor that I own the notes but I have to work on the expressive side of things. Bananas. I thought I was playing MUSIC but apparently I was only playing NOTES. I do understand what he means by this. There are times that I can hear the difference between music and notes when other people play. But I can never seem to hear it in my own songs. When I play, I just can't tell when it's music and when it's only notes.
I was on campus early and did a lot, and I mean a lot, of math homework before class. Several of my friends were in the CLC also, and only one chose to sit with me. (I don't count the second person who sat at my table because he only sat there to be with his girlfriend) I'm beginning to recognize who my friends are these days, and who is just a 'friendly acquaintance'.
Day 36
Today I was told by my piano instructor that I own the notes but I have to work on the expressive side of things. Bananas. I thought I was playing MUSIC but apparently I was only playing NOTES. I do understand what he means by this. There are times that I can hear the difference between music and notes when other people play. But I can never seem to hear it in my own songs. When I play, I just can't tell when it's music and when it's only notes.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Day 34
We had mid-term test in English today, and I was so nervous! But I think it went well. We merely had to do three essay questions. My friend who is in that class with me was nervous as well, so much so that she was physically shaking! But I'm sure she did fine, she's very intelligent.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Day 33
So, I got back a homework sheet and a test in math today. My homework was a 77. My test was a 96. Apparently homework is more difficult for me? Weird.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Day 32
In math, when the instructor said turn in your homework....there was a lot of "I didn't know that was due today" "I don't know what I did with those papers" and so on and so forth. Wow, guys. Really? Then in Literature, only half the class (possibly less) showed up today. Why? Because speeches were due today. And no one wants to give a speech. Wow, guys. Really? Then at AEC practice, when they discovered the quizlet due for this week is 65 terms, they grumbled. Wow, guys. Really? I do not understand you people. Homework is not hard to keep track of, speeches are no reason to skip class and the quizlet was actually not that hard. Grow. Up. Please.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Day 31
I had very little school today, way less than I usually do on a Thursday. First of all, my half semester class ended on Tuesday so I didn't have that today. (I won't ever have that again, thankfully. College Skills. Not fun.) And then when I went to my History class I was told that we weren't actually having class only had one class today. Math. It felt like a very short, small day. I could do with more of those.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Day 30
I have a couple mid-term tests coming up. I'm getting very nervous. I know I shouldn't be. I really should have nothing to fear. All of my classes have 97% or above for a grade. So, why am I freaking out? I don't know. But I have this irrational fear of failure. It haunts me no matter what I am doing. I really need to get over this. I didn't want to take the ACT because I thought I would fail. In the end, I got a scholarship because my score was so high in one area. I didn't want to take the driver's test either, because I thought I would fail. I passed with flying colors. (And I love driving too!) I have always had this terrible, terrible fear of failure. I don't know where it comes from. I have often wondered if it springs from the simple fact that I don't fail often, so maybe I think failure is the end of the world. I think I need to fail more, so that I can get over it and realize that failure is NOT the end of the world. But right now, I still think failure will kill me.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Day 29
I had math class today. And then I went to college skills and took a work keys test. Math. 33 questions of math. So I basically had two math classes today. Blick. Votes started yesterday for homecoming queen...two of my friends informed me they voted for me. Oh great. But that's only two on a whole campus of people. I don't think I have any threat of winning. (I don't want to win, can you tell?)
Monday, October 6, 2014
Day 28
The beginning of week 8. Wow, this has been a fascinating semester. I've enjoyed it, learned something things...and now I have mid-terms. Yay. (Not too excited about that) On a bright note, I still have A's in all of my classes. Most of them high A's. College has not been nearly as difficult or as terrifying as I thought it was going to be. My entire senior year of high school I was dreading this transition and change...but it has actually been enjoyable.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Day 27
Nothing very exciting or memorable happened today. Nothing like being nominated for Homecoming Queen. My English teacher often sees me sitting in the hall outside of my College Skills class before it begins (I'm always early) and every single time he sees me he says, "We need to get you a chair, girl." Thank you. You've said that before. Many times.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Day 26
Well...I have been nominated as a candidate for homecoming queen for AEC. We've been told we have to nominate someone...and there are only three girls. One has already been nominated for PTK (Phi Theta Kappa) and the other has already been nominated for college I was nominated by default. I am not sure how I feel about this...
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Day 25
Today I took two very long and boring tests, called the Work Keys head was all fogged over by the time I finished that. Nothing exciting happened today at college. I just had three classes and all three were boring today.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Day 24
Today is International Coffee Day, so a friend and I sent another friend of ours to go get us coffee and we drank it while we were in the computer lab. My piano teacher was pushing me hard today and it was rough. I was getting frustrated with how terrible I seemed to be doing at all the new stuff he was throwing at me. But at the end of my lesson he said, "Just so you know, I'm pushing you so hard because it would be unfair to you as a musician and would not do justice to the music if I did not. You're such an amazing pianist." So, I guess since he pushes me because I'm great it is really a compliment to be worked hard. I will try and see it in that light.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Days 22 & 23
I realized I never posted the rest of this week's days at apologies.
Day 22
So, I had my first "real conversation" (more than just a passing hello) with one of my classmates in math. She turned to me before class started (we sit next to each other) and she said, "can I ask you a weird question?" I waited expectantly, curious as to what in the world she wanted to know. "What is your name?" "Amanda." Really, that was it? That's all she wanted to know? "Oh. I thought it was Ashley." Well she had the right letter, let's give her that. She then leaned around me and spoke to the boy on my other side. "I lost, Phil. Her name's Amanda." Uh...what? You...lost? I'm confused. What just happened? Were they...betting on what my name was? Weird.
Day 23
I only had two classes today. History was cancelled, math and college skills were boring. What a day. Nothing fascinating in any way happened to me on campus, nothing to amuse me or provoke me or make me think deep thoughts. Not that I ever do that anyway.
Day 22
So, I had my first "real conversation" (more than just a passing hello) with one of my classmates in math. She turned to me before class started (we sit next to each other) and she said, "can I ask you a weird question?" I waited expectantly, curious as to what in the world she wanted to know. "What is your name?" "Amanda." Really, that was it? That's all she wanted to know? "Oh. I thought it was Ashley." Well she had the right letter, let's give her that. She then leaned around me and spoke to the boy on my other side. "I lost, Phil. Her name's Amanda." Uh...what? You...lost? I'm confused. What just happened? Were they...betting on what my name was? Weird.
Day 23
I only had two classes today. History was cancelled, math and college skills were boring. What a day. Nothing fascinating in any way happened to me on campus, nothing to amuse me or provoke me or make me think deep thoughts. Not that I ever do that anyway.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Day 21
Today I sat alone in the CLC for an hour. There were other people in there, even many of my friends. But none of them joined me at my table. I was alone. I was working on a paper, so I was very occupied. But I did notice the absence. Usually when I am working in the CLC my friends are sitting at the same table. Today they all sat one table over from me. Were they trying to shun me? I arrived first, so maybe they just didn't want to sit with me.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Day 20
We are starting our next essay in English now. It's the process analysis paper. I'm not looking forward to this at all. In fact, I'm dreading it. On the bright side, I feel well rested from the weekend and am wide awake and alert. I enjoyed spending half an hour between two of my classes outside in the warm sunshine today. A friend of mine wandered by and decided to stop and sit with me. That was pleasant, sitting and chatting in the warm Autumn air.
Friday, September 19, 2014
3 in one...
Sorry, I'm both forgetful and extremely tired so I haven't been blogging.
Day 17
I had a long lecture about communication skills, which includes listening. The lady was pretty adamant and came off pretty strong. A lot of the students, my peers, thought she was either mean or rude...she scared me a little, but she didn't seem too bad to me. She just felt very strongly about the subject.
Day 18
I've been researching Pocahontas for a History paper. Wow, I had no idea her life was so controversial! And no, Disney did NOT get it right. Not that we thought they had anyway, but just in case you were wondering.
Day 19
In college skills we discussed stress, and how we handle it. I'm getting really exhausted. The semester is catching up to me. We aren't even at midterms yet and I can barely stay awake anymore. Hopefully I'll get plenty of rest over the weekend so I'll be ready for Monday.
Day 17
I had a long lecture about communication skills, which includes listening. The lady was pretty adamant and came off pretty strong. A lot of the students, my peers, thought she was either mean or rude...she scared me a little, but she didn't seem too bad to me. She just felt very strongly about the subject.
Day 18
I've been researching Pocahontas for a History paper. Wow, I had no idea her life was so controversial! And no, Disney did NOT get it right. Not that we thought they had anyway, but just in case you were wondering.
Day 19
In college skills we discussed stress, and how we handle it. I'm getting really exhausted. The semester is catching up to me. We aren't even at midterms yet and I can barely stay awake anymore. Hopefully I'll get plenty of rest over the weekend so I'll be ready for Monday.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Day 16
Today after piano as I got up to leave my instructor Mr. Lowry said, "By the way, you're one heck of a piano player." Well now I feel good about myself. :) Also, in Literature I was the only one to do the homework. We had to bring lyrics from a song to class and talk about them. Amusingly, besides being the only one to bring lyrics, I also brought the exact same song as my instructor. Teacher's pet, anyone?
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Day 15
Sorry I didn't post on Thursday, here's my ramblings from that day....
It is freezing today! We had a service in remembrance of 9-11 which was lovely in and of itself. But it was SO COLD I could barely stand it. There were several brief readings and then one of the music instructor's led us all in singing God Bless the USA. Everyone in the crowd held each other's hands and raised them up and I started crying. I don't know why things like that move me, but they do.
It is freezing today! We had a service in remembrance of 9-11 which was lovely in and of itself. But it was SO COLD I could barely stand it. There were several brief readings and then one of the music instructor's led us all in singing God Bless the USA. Everyone in the crowd held each other's hands and raised them up and I started crying. I don't know why things like that move me, but they do.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Day 14
Today in English we were revising our essays. My professor gave us each a thesaurus and said, "change at least ten verbs, adverbs and adjectives to something more vivid" and that's what we did. And I loved it! I do not know why I find such joy in doing things of that sort, but I do. My dictionary/thesaurus (I have a two in one book) is my best friend. English is now competing for "Amanda's favorite class". It was Literature, since day one it's been Literature. But English is starting to place as a very close second.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Day 13
I had to sit through an excessively boring lecture today about the Library and the CLC and the resources they have and offer to the students and how wonderful the tutors are and so on and so forth. All good stuff, I won't deny that. But I was bored. That hour may have been the longest of my school year so far.
Monday, September 8, 2014
Day 12
Well today was a very long day. I was on campus from 10-ish until 5. We started revising our narrative essay in English, which I found excessively enjoyable. Also, for Literature, I was supposed to do research over the assigned readings and present what I had found in class. I was a little nervous (okay, I was A LOT nervous) and my stomach may or may not have been doing crazy little flips in anticipation (or dread). But we ran out of time today, because our discussion went so long I suppose, so I didn't have to present my research. Now I have to do it on Wednesday. For the record, I didn't forget any of my homework for today!
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Day 11
I didn't realize I'd get to write papers in classes other than life is amazing! I wrote a paper in History today...telling a story (sort of), using my imagination...oh I love college! If you don't know already, I'm a writer. I adore writing. So, History is now officially (as of today) the best class on earth. Come Monday, when I do Lit and English, my mind will inevitably change.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Day 10
Well...I had my first almost crises. I forgot about a reading we all had to do for Literature class. I remembered just as I sat down in class. I panicked! But not everyone was there yet, so I read it quickly while people arrived. It was only three pages long so it wasn't difficult. And I was still able to join in the discussion about the reading, and actually participate and know what on earth they were talking about. My brain works quickly apparently. But my goodness! We are NOT doing that again. I am making a list every single day of all the assignments that are due. Every time something new is assigned I will add it to the list. We WILL stay on track and NEVER forget an assignment again. *fingers crossed*
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Day 9
Back on campus after a long weekend (we never have class on Fridays, and Monday was a holiday)'s been weird. I sat outside for a while like I usually do, but it got cold so I moved into the CLC. I was sitting at a table, an EMPTY table, calmly working away on my own stuff when a guy I don't know joined me. He didn't speak to me, he just sat down and started doing his own work. I guess this is normal for college students. The tables can sit six people, and anyone is able to sit at them and do their homework or just hang out. But I was not prepared for this. I'm not a big stranger person. So it kind of freaked me out. And then I sat there worrying about what people would think, people I know, if they walked by and saw me sitting alone at this table with a guy. HUH. College is weird.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
The First Two Weeks
I didn't think to start this blog until the second week of my freshman year of college had already been completed. So today, my lovely readers, you get to read all 8 'posts' of my college experiences. After this, if I stay on top of it, you'll just get one per day. But today, you get 8 in 1. So enjoy!
Day 1
Today is my first day of college and I am freaking out! This
could be the worst thing that has ever happened to me….I was dropped off by my
wonderful mother: *deep breath* I can do this. I picked up my last few books
from the bookstore. I am doing well here, feeling okay. Now it’s off to class! ….three
hours later…I survived! I sat by strangers in two of my classes and
surprisingly I did not die. Also, I discovered I do have a friend in one of my
classes, so yay! I’m not alone.
Day 2
I am on campus way earlier today, with lots of time to kill
before class. Hanging out in the CLC with friends is quite the enjoyable
experience. I should do this more often.
Day 3
Ah man…I am a college student. That’s so weird. I don’t feel
any different than I did before. I spoke
to my math teacher about my illness and how when I am tired and/or in pain my
brain shuts down. He kind of laughed, thanked me for telling him and then said,
“some students’ brains shut down anyway, whether or not they are dealing with
something like your illness.” He’s a funny guy.
Day 4
So…college skills, a required class so I know my campus and
know how to be a successful college student, is an interesting class. We have
to do a scavenger hunt and find things on campus. I’m not looking forward to
that. At all. One cool thing I did today though was make a two year plan with
my advisor. I’m totally going to graduate, people. This is happening.
Day 5
The lens of my glasses popped out this morning. The perfect way
to start my second week as a college student. And then it just got better (or
worse, depending on how you look at it…). I was at the college ALL. DAY. LONG!
That’s what it felt like anyway. I had my classes of course, and then my new
class, piano, and then I had Academic Excellence Challenge practice…I felt like
I was stuck and would never be allowed to go home. But I did enjoy many parts
of my day. A friend accompanied me as I did the dreaded scavenger hunt, which
made it so much easier.
Day 6
My first college test! I passed. That’s a relief. It was a
math test. I also happened to be one of the first people done…but that doesn’t
really mean anything.
Day 7
Literature class was fun today. We discussed the ‘ideal’ or ‘perfect’
wedding and how that relates to reality. And then there was English. That. Was.
The. BEST! We were split into groups and got to write the outline of a movie.
So much fun! I could do that all day. I am enjoying college. I love two of my
classes, I can live with two others without feeling any enmity…and the last one
is just boring. I love being on campus too. I can’t explain the feeling, but I
just love it. Walking from building to building and class to class, seeing
friends in the CLC and making new ones…I just love college life! I even enjoy
going home and getting to work right away on my homework. This is amazing. I
love it.
Day 8
So…I arrived on campus around 9. I picked a
bench to sit at on the quad….and then I did quizlet flash cards over the North
American Mountains. I took the test soon thereafter, getting 100% on my first
try. (I feel very good about myself now.) I also did some more brainstorming
for the narrative essay I am going to be writing soon for English. As I sat
quietly focused and studying on my laptop, my advisor, Mrs. Pollart, walked by
on business of her own. On her way past, she said good morning. When she came
back by later on, after having finished whatever she was doing, she said “The
perfect picture of a college student” as she walked past me. I guess being
studious in the open air on campus is the perfect picture of a college student.
But the wind is now picking up and it is getting very cold and I think it’s
about to rain. So I am going to move into the Library and be studious there.
How does that sound?
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